NPO Opera del Popolo

About Us
Our Opera

Greeting | Prospectus | History | Board of Directors | Office


- Foundation Prospectus -

  In our country, the opera, as is known to many music fans the highest standard stage art performance, has been in this sense not so popular, being too expensive, and shown mostly in metropolitan theatres, or if yet, in the suburban areas. We seek our goals to gain more popularity to the opera, in finding ways to present shows to be appreciated by more and more fans throughout our country, and have therefore formed the "Sho-ene (labor]saving) Opera" in 1996.
  Another purpose of our activities is, to cultivate undiscovered talents, through public auditions totally borderless to musical or educational background, age, sex, nationality, etc., from which we choose our casts for each performances.
  Based on these presumptions, we moved on to establish this Non-Profit Organization "Opera del Popolo / Minnano Opera" as a means to form ourselves a long-lasting organization and fulfil our purpose to develop the spirit and prospectus of this "Sho-ene Opera".
  We are also preparing for a global project; to entertain the world with our "Ciocio-san" (revised edtition of "Madama Butterfly") as the opera we believe most worthy to be introduced by and from Japan.

Copyright© NPO Opera del Popolo
since 2002, All rights reserved.